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A-Model | ||
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B-Model (Tengai) | C-model |
General Information | Known Issues | Engine | Fuel / Intake | Exhaust |
Controls | Electrical System | Body | Brakes | Final Drive |
Wheels/Tires | Suspension | Maintenance | Off-Road Gear | Highway Gear |
Links |
The information contained herein has been developed by many riders over the years. Thanks specifically to Marc Clarke for supplying his archives. I haven't entered any data for the 2008 model; unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep up with the group very well, and don't have one to examine myself.
Quick Links:
Parts/Accessories: Fred Hink/Arrowhead Ron Ayers Bike Bandit Ebay
KwikSpecs Front KwikSpecs Rear
KLR 250 Information Exchange
This is intended to be a FAQ, not a service manual or encyclopedia. The service manuals are a good thing to have (either the factory manuals or the Clymer book.) Please do not contact me asking for help with repairs, bike advice, info on different models, etc. I don't know it all, I just collect it. I also have a day job, and might not be able to get back to you for a few days or weeks. The FAQ is based on the A-model, through the 2007 model year. Many aspects are similar to the C model, but there is a list of differences here.
If there is something you would like to see or correct in the FAQ, please contact me at ckrok at bigcee dot com, and include the material if possible. For an offline copy of the FAQ, right-click here to download a pdf.
Disclaimer: This material is provided for reference only. All information is accurate to the best of my knowledge, but you are ultimately responsible for all mainenance of and modifications to your motorcycle. Big Cee and/or myself is not responsible for any damage that occurs as a result of use or misuse of this information. Also note that any product or vendor opinions contained herin are culled from the general KLR owner population, and are not the opinion of Big Cee / Chris Krok. In addition, the listing of a company as a supplier does not imply endorsement. People have had both good and bad experiences with nearly all of the vendors listed, so you will basically have to try them and form your own opinion. Caveat emptor!
Chris Krok
General Information | [return to top] |
Is a KLR right for me?
The KLR650 is a great all-around bike. It's relatively cheap,
is getting an increasing amount of aftermarket respect, and easy to work
on. An experienced rider (and some not-so-experienced ones) can work
it over black-diamond single-track, it can carve through the twisties,
and roll out on the highway. However, because it can do all
of these things, it doesn't do any of them particularly well. It
can be a lot of work to ride offroad, especially in sand or deep gravel.
It doesn't have the best wind protection, and the light weight and upright
riding position lets it get blown around by wind on the highway.
If you want something more dirt-oriented, you might want an XR, DR or KLX;
if you want something for the highway, you may want a standard or sport-tourer.
But, if you want to ride a thousand or more miles, go offroading, and ride
home, the KLR is a great choice. The KLR's capabilities can be tilted
towards dirt or street through changes in tires, gear ratio, suspension,
and other areas.
How do the models differ?
The A-model is the basis for the FAQ, and is further described herein.
It was primarily available in the United States and Canada, through the
2007 model year. The B-model was only available in the US for the
1990 model year, but was available in the rest of the world for a number
of years thereafter. The C-model is sold outside of the US and Canada,
although the latter country has seen limited numbers of them. All
three versions share the same engine. The B model is almost identical
to the A model, except for the obvious difference in bodywork, the front
brakes are better (dammit), and the suspension is an inch or so lower.
The C-model has major differences, outlined
How does it compare to the KLX?
The KLX650 is much more dirt-oriented, with inverted forks, lighter
weight, a smaller gas tank and different engine. Better than the
KLR on the dirt, but not as capable on the highway. For more info
on the KLX, visit their mailing list (in the links
How has the KLR650 changed over the years?
No one will ever accuse Kawasaki of applying kaizen
to the KLR production line. Aside from the paint job, not much has
changed since it was introduced in 1987. The key mechanical differences
are (per Eldon Carl):
What year is my KLR?
The frame sticker shows the date of manufacture. The model year for
all cars and bikes sold in the US is indicated by the tenth digit of the
VIN (this is an ISO standard, and is becoming more widely used).
M=1991; N=1992; P=1993; R=1994; S=1995; T=1996; V=1997; W=1998; X=1999;
Y=2000; 1=2001; 2=2002...A=2010...
What is this "An" people keep mentioning?
This is a letter code that indicates the submodel and year of the bike.
"A" bikes are for the US market, B is the Tengai, and C is the Canadian/European
model. The number n represents the year of manufacture, with
1 as the first year. An "L" at the end of an A designation means
that it is a California bike (with a smog cannister). The first year
of the A model was 1987, so an A5L is a 1991 California-spec US bike.
How do I contact Kawasaki?
Consumer Relations, Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA, P.O. Box 25252, Santa
Ana, CA 92799-5252; (949) 460-5688. In Canada, it's Canadian Kawasaki
Motors, 25 Lesmill Rd, Toronto, Ontario M3B 2T3.
What do I do about the vibration?
Despite the engine counterbalancer, a thumper still produces noticeable
vibration. The amount of felt vibration depends on the individual
bike, accessories added, and even the subjectivity of the rider.
Some pointers courtesy Tom Bowman (unless noted, these apply to bikes in
general, not the KLR specifically):
How long will my KLR last?
Many people have the misconception that the KLR (or thumpers in general?)
will suddenly explode once it hits 30,000 miles. I refer you to one
member of the DSN list who reported the beginnings of piston slap...
At 80,000 miles. Many owners have reached 60,000 miles without major
maintenance, and some bikes have broken 90,000 miles.
How much power does this thing put out?
Depending on the source, values up to 48 hp have been quoted.
However, this is crank horsepower measured on an engine dyno, and doesn't
account for losses in the transmission or final drive. At the rear
wheel, power is around 38 hp. Devon Jarvis supplied a dyno
chart for his bike, that shows a peak of 36 hp (DynoJet dyno run, hot,
humid day). His bike was fully stock, except the pilot screw was
backed out to 1.25 turns. Another extensive comparison of KLR mods
can be found at Patman
Racing. If you're looking for a lot more power, you are probably
better off with a different bike. The KLR does not lend itself well
to hop-ups, and many owners have spent much time and aggravation chasing
what amounted to a couple of extra hp and crappy gas mileage. You're
better off spending the money on suspension upgrades; that way, you'll
be able to maintain speed, rather than have to slow down and speed up all
of the time...
Why does my bike lurch/stall the first time I put it in gear?
This problem is common to all wet-clutch bikes. In a multi-plate
clutch, the clutch release can only remove pressure from the end of the
disc stack; it can't actually drive all of the discs apart. When
the bike sits for a while, the oil squeezes out from between the clutch
plates, making them stick together. Squeezing the clutch lever takes
the spring pressure off of them, but they still stick; so, when you put
the bike in gear for the first time after starting it, the engine has to
break the discs apart. This makes the bike lurch, or can stall it.
To prevent this, you can 1) before starting the engine, put the bike in
gear, pull in the clutch, and rock the bike back and forth until the clutch
breaks free; 2), with the engine running, in neutral with the clutch in,
blip the throttle a few times; 3) start the bike rolling with your feet
before putting the transmission in gear to minimize the lurch.
What's this diesel KLR I've heard about?
Hayes Diversified Research
and F1 Engineering of Hesperia, CA,
converts KLR650 engines to diesel for the USMC. With additional modifications,
the bike becomes the M1030M1 motorcycle. They will be releasing civilian
models shortly. The first 100 bikes will be collectors' items, and
will sell for $16k each, with deliveries starting in 2008? Orders
can be placed starting October 2005, and a deposit will be required and
placed in escrow.
Read any good books lately?
Can I put a sidecar on the KLR?
This has been done!
How do I respond when accosted by anti-accessers?
Harry from SC relates this story: "...A few years ago I was riding
a trail around Colorado Springs. I pulled over and stopped as I came
apon two young lady hikers. One screamed, "You should be on the road!"
and I said, "You should be in the kitchen!" I've still got the helmet
with the big dent in it where the rock bounced off."
What is a DPO?
Dipshit Previous Owner; i.e., the idiot responsible for all of the
damaged threads, missing parts and hacked electrical connections on the
used KLR you just bought. You don't notice these problems immediately,
of course...
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
European or African?
Known Issues | [return to top] |
Fork oil level: Error in some shop manuals
A few versions of the shop manual call for the fork oil level to be
checked with the forks extended. This is incorrect. The fork
oil level should be checked with the springs removed and the fork tube
Propensity to shed fasteners
The vibrations from a thumper are capable of unscrewing a number of
fasteners. As soon as you get the bike home, it would be a good idea
to get to know your machine by removing fasteners and reinstalling them
with blue (242) Loctite. Some of the more critical ones are the front
fender, body panels, and muffler bolts, but it's easier to say that I've
never seen the engine case or suspension bolts work loose. Everything
else is fair game.
Fuel capacity
The actual stock fuel capacity is around 5.6-5.7 gallons. Older
resources did list 5.7 gallons, but newer ones claim 6.1.
Bike stalls in the rain/deep water crossings
This is generally caused by submersion of the carbeurator vent line.
This is a clear/transparent pink hose running from the side of the
carb down to the bottom of the bike. If this gets clogged, the carb will
fail to operate properly and the engine will quit. The best solution
is known as the "T-mod:" install a tee in this line near the carb.
Route the original line the way it was, and route a second line up under
the seat or behind the fairing. Arrowhead Motorsports now sells a
kit for this.
Balancer chain tensioner ("Doohickey") prone to failure
The counterbalancer tensioner arm (clamped down by the small bolt on
the bottom left engine cover) has a tendency to get brittle and break.
This has happened on bikes of all years and mileages, while many other
bikes (of all years and mileages) are fine. If anything, later bikes seem
to be more prone to failure, perhaps because of the change to solid balancer
sprockets. If this system fails and the balancer chain jumps,
it can sieze the engine.
Eagle Manufacturing makes a machined adjuster arm (available from Arrowhead)
that is vastly superior to the stock unit. (Both units are of equal
quality, although they offer different spring lengths.) In addition,
the adjuster bolt and spring were upgraded in 1996; earlier models can
be upgraded by replacing the bolt and spring, and adding the washer.
The required parts are: Idler spring, 92144-1860; 7mm O-ring, 670B1507;
washer, 92200-1263; idler adjuster bolt, 92150-1923. See the links
section for a way to report balancer failures.
Starter circuit fails to work, or only works with in neutral with
clutch out.
Engine runs in neutral, but dies when I put it in gear.
There are two known causes for this. First, the side stand switch
can corrode and sieze up or get bad contacts. It is best to bypass
this switch before it goes bad and leaves you stranded in the wild.
To do so, simply disconnect the connector at the switch (under the small,
black plastic cover), and short the harness wires together (brown and green/white)
with a jumper. The second part is the clutch safety switch at the
clutch lever, which tends to fall out of adjustment. To bypass, disconnect
the plug from the clutch switch underneath the cover on the instrument
panel. Short the black/yellow and blue/red wires on the main harness
with a jumper. In both cases, the switches can be reactivated by
removing the jumpers and plugging the connectors back in.
It is also possible to bypass both at once by bypassing the starter safety relay: This is not the main starter relay, but an adjacent, secondary relay that is used to manage the safety circuits. Remove the relay, and connect either of the yellow/red wires to the black wire, or use the yellow/red wire from the small relay to replace the black wire on the starter relay. The starter safety relay has the same part number as the fan relay, so hang on to it; they're not cheap. There are reports that one of the safety circuit diodes still needs to be grounded for the neutral light to work properly; you can do this by bypassing the sidestand switch.
It also appears that the "running safety" circuits can be bypassed by grounding the red/black wire coming from the CDI unit, but this has not been confirmed.
Weak front brakes
The front brake on the KLR is pretty weak, particularly for heavier
riders and loads. This is actually somewhat useful in the dirt, but
can be bad news on the street. See the Brakes
section for upgrades.
Lean Jetting
The KLR is jetted very lean from the factory. This can manifest
itself as surging when cruising at medium throttle or 3-4,000 rpm.
A quick cure is to back out the idle mixture screw a bit, and shim the
stock needle up 0.020" with a washer. See the Fuel/Intake
for more info.
Rear brake pedal bracket prone to fracture
The bracket that mounts the rear brake pedal to the frame is an aluminum
casting; a number of people have seen them break if the bike is dropped and the
bracket hits a rock, or even if a large rock is thrown up against the brake
pedal. Dual Star makes a
machined bracket that should be much stronger than the stock unit.
Headlight fuse tends to blow
If the headlight switch pauses between "hi" and "lo," it is possible
for both filaments to be on at the same time. This will overload
the 10A fuse. This can be fixed by upgrading the fuse to 15A.
What happened to my license plate?
If the rear suspension is bottomed out the tire can grab the bottom
edge of the license plate. At the least, this will fold over a little
lip at the bottom of the plate; at worst, it will tear off the rear inner
fender and leave it on the trail somewhere. This is most likely when
using a taller knobby; or when using a smaller countershaft sprocket or
an older chain, as the rear axle will be moved further back when the chain
is adjusted. One solution is to bend the bottom of the license plate
back, away from the tire. Better is to move the bracket up.
Remove the reflector located above the license plate, and install the bracket
on that part of the fender (the reflector pad is just wide enough for the
bolts). For the ultimate solution, remove the bracket completely,
and bolt the plate directly to the outer fender, below the taillight.
Note that (legally) you will probably have to supply lighting for the license
plate; it is possible to cut a rectangular section out of the bottom of
the taillight lens, and glue a piece of clear plexiglass in place to seal
the lens. It may also be illegal to move the plate, or remove the
aforementioned reflector.
Dealer screwups
If you buy the bike new, the dealers often leave the forks in the shipping
position, with the fork tubes extending about 3" beyond the top of the
triple clamp. The tops of the fork tubes should be flush with the
top of the triple clamp.
Shift lever breakage
Many riders have seen the stock shift lever break at the base weld.
This doesn't always happen, but you should at least remove your stock unit
and inspect the quality of the weld. If the weld looks complete and
full, you will probably be OK. If not, you can either have the weld
redone, or better yet, replace the shifter with a Moose or IMS unit.
These units, though, can show wear in the splines. Examine the shifter
for play occasionally, and tighten the clamp bolt as needed. Note
that the IMS unit is about 3/4" longer than the stock unit (I think the
Moose is about the same as stock). The extra length can be handy
for fitting MX boots under the tip.
Gas in the right side of the tank
Because of the gas tank design, even if you run dry on reserve, there
will still be gas in the right side of the tank. To get at this gas
in an emergency, tilt the bike over to the left as far as possible, and
start riding again. You may be able to repeat this process a few
times. This can be avoided by installing Skip
Faulkner's fuel tank mod.
Weak subframe mounting
The subframe supports the seat and rear rack, and is mounted by four,
10.9 M8 bolts (two socket heads on top, two hex heads on bottom).
Under heavy loading or harsh riding, the upper bolts can break, pulling
off the exhaust, wiring harness, etc. One option is to replace the
upper bolts with grade 12.9 bolts. The strongest fix is to drill
through the upper frame and subframe mounts, and install an M10 bolt all
the way through. Kits for this are available from
Eagle Manufacturing and Dual Star.
Swingarm lubrication
The swingarm bearings are installed with only a minimal amount of grease.
It is best to relube the swingarm at your earliest convenience, especially
if you will be riding in a lot of water. See the maintenance
section for more details.
Rear hub bearing spacer
When doing rear wheel maintenance, people often lose the middle bearing
spacer. It generally stays in place due to grease, and you may pull
the hub off several times without ever noticing it. If it happens
to fall out, though, you will soon wreck the hub. Click here
for a diagram of the rear hub; # 42036 is the one you need to watch out
for. It goes in the inside of the sprocket carrier. Pay careful
attention to how many threads on the axle are showing above the axle
nut, before you loosen it. When you reinstall the wheel, if you see noticeably
more threads, something's wrong. (Or, if you bottom the nut and the
wheel still isn't tight.)
Poor speedometer accuracy
The KLR speedo generally reads about 10% higher than true speed.
This depends on what front tire you are running, and how worn it
is. A re-calibration procedure is provided by the Watt-Man.
Engine | [return to top] |
What type of oil should I use?
How much oil should I put in?
How often should I change my oil?
On any motorcycle list, any of these questions will provoke a response
greater than that to the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand. The answers
are basically, "motor oil," "enough," and "when you need to." Many use
automotive oils, particularly Castrol GTX for conventional oil, and Mobil
1 for synthetic. Others swear by motorcycle-specific oils. Delvac 1300
and Rotella T are popular oils that are available in bulk quantities.
One point of note is that if you use a "bargain" oil, it is possible to
stain the sight glass, making it difficult to see the oil level.
Also, you generally want to avoid 5W oils and some manufacturers'10W-30
oils. As long as it doesn't say "Energy Conserving II" around the
rim of the API seal on the bottle, it's fine.
Which brings us to the next question: How much oil to put in? The rated capacity is 2.5 liters, which should put the oil at the top of the sight glass. However, this usually puts the level over the top, possibly due to residual oil in the passageways. Some owners insist that the sight glass is mounted too low in the engine case, and add 10 oz beyond the upper fill mark. Others insist that the sight glass is correct, one even going so far as to contact KHI for the straight dope. KHI engineers insist that the sight glass is in the correct location. Running with too little oil can cause problems, but so can running with too much. In practice, owners running their bike either way don't seem to have any problems. Paying attention to your oil level and keeping it at the top of the glass is probably the best compromise.
As for oil change frequency, most people change their oil at 1,000 to 2,000 mile intervals, depending on riding conditions. The only way to truly develop an oil change schedule is to have an oil analysis done at different intervals while riding in your typical fashion/conditions.
When can I start running synthetic oil?
Common lore is that you should run regular oil for the first 3-6,000
miles on a new engine (or after rebuild), and synthetic is fine after that.
Which is the best oil filter?
Several brands of paper filters are available, and are cheaper than
Kawi filters: Fram #CH6070; EMGO #10-30000; K&N #KN-123; Wix
# 24951; NAPA #4951 (I believe that both the Wix and Napa filters are made
by Wix). The Wix, Napa and Fram filters come with new O-rings, and
the others do not. (If you are ordering from Dennis Kirk, the replacement
O-ring is p/n 30-143.) There is also a lifetime stainless steel filter
available, which you clean at each oil change. It's a bit pricey,
and there is still some debate over which type of filter is better.
The SS filter has a consistent filtration level; the paper filters vary
from better to worse than the SS. Some people believe that paper
filters shed fibers, that wind up clogging the oil strainer screen.
However, it is more likely that this is clutch or gasket material.
After 25k mi on my bike, there was no fibrous material in the strainer.
Strainer screen? What strainer screen?
The oil strainer screen prevents large chunks of "stuff" from getting
into the oil pump. It is a fingertip-shaped
screen, about 3/4" in diameter, with a black rubber gasket at its base.
To get to the screen, you must remove the right side cover (clutch cover).
The screen is at the bottom, pointing into the engine. People usually
find a few chunks of gasket sealer material stuck to the screen.
Can I install an oil pressure gage or warning light?
Because the crank rides on roller bearings rather than hydraulic ones,
the KLR has a low pressure spec: 11-21 psi at 90 C (194 F) and 4000 rpm.
The ultimate info on adding an oil pressure sensor can be found in post
# 61914 of the DSN_KLR archives. In short, the best way to add a
pressure port is probably by stacking a second banjo fitting on one of
the camshaft feeds. Beware that adding a tap may add a failure point.
What size is the oil plug?
The oil plug thread is M12 x 1.50. Moose makes a magnetic drain
plug (p/n M0103), and Dual Star makes a low-profile one. (You can
also knock some of the hex off of the Moose plug with a lathe or grinder.)
Cutting down the drain plug is a good idea for off-roading, as it can stick
out past the skid plate. One Moose adopter reported having to run
a thread die over the plug to get an easy fit into the drain hole.
A further option is Honda p/n 92800-12000.
How do I break in my new engine?
I don't really want to touch this one, because it's nearly as ire-provoking
as oil choice. Whatever you do, you definitely want to vary load
and RPM on the engine, moreso in the first 50-100 miles, but continue to
do so for the first 500 miles. A few good throttle whacks and then
chops will build pressure to seat the rings. Also make sure the engine
gets to full operating temperature. Whether or not you want to observe
the RPM limits suggested by KHI is up to you, but I've followed their guidance
and had good results on my ZRX and my re-ringed KLR. (Purpose for
the re-ring was foreign object related.) There is not a big KHI conspiracy
to make you do the wrong kind of break-in so you have to come back for
maintenance sooner. Don't you think they'd make more money selling
more new bikes because they're known for reliability, rather than making
money on repairs?
Can I get a high-compression piston?
So far, we haven't found any way to get a higher-compression piston
other than custom manufacture. Some have used sealant in lieu of
the base gasket after cylinder overhauls, which will give a minor compression
increase. The small change in cam timing doesn't seem to be a problem.
Update: You can check Wiseco's
European site for Tengai pistons.
Didn't someone make an oversize engine?
Steve Kesselring at Quality Engine developed a 750 engine conversion.
However, this requires quite a few custom parts, and is not available as
a conversion kit. The company does not do custom work for the general
public, but they do have lowering links and a few other KLR parts.
Check them out at Performance
Design LLC. There are also 685 cc and 705 cc kits developed by
Cary at Schnitz Racing.
They require a post '96 cylinder to handle the larger pistons. He
can also clean up and improve your head. Reports say that there can
be a wait, but it's worth it.
Where can I get my head cleaned up?
Cary at Schnitz Racing
can rework your head and install larger valves if desired. Worth
the wait. Getting a proper three-angle valve job from your local
shop may be worthwhile as well. I don't know if all KLRs are the
same, but my valve seats were just a single cut.
Are there any alternatives to Kawi valve shims?
The KLR's valve shims are 29mm in diameter. There are other sizes
that are close, but make sure they give you the right ones. If your
Kawi dealer doesn't have the right ones in stock, shims from an '87 BMW
K75S and '82 Yamaha Seca 750 are the same diameter. (Beware,
there are also 29.5mm shims, which will not work.)
I fried my head! What do I do?
If your cam journals are scored or chewed up for whatever reason, Engine
Dynamics of Petaluma CA might be able to repair the head. They will
resurface the cam and rebuild and finish the journals to match the new
cam diameter.
What if I break the cooling fan?
If you drop the bike on the left side, the radiator fan shroud can
get bend and stop the fan. The motor shaft then spins in the fan,
and melts the hub. Apparently, the hub can also melt if the fan isn't
jammed. The fan can only be purchased as an assembly, which is expensive.
Muzzys makes an aluminum replacement cooling fan with a steel hub that
is immune to this damage. However, over the long term, the hub crimp
on the aluminum unit can also loosen, allowing the blades to loosen.
It is also possible to epoxy a melted plastic hub back together.
What kind of coolant can I use?
Any silicate-free antifreeze mixed with distilled water should be fine.
If you want something pre-mixed, Rotella 50/50 will work, and Honda (and
others) has a mix available at motorcycle shops. Note that, if you
live in a warm climate, you might be better off with 30% anitfreeze; water
is a better conductor of heat, and you'll still have adequate high-temp
Can I improve cooling?
You can improve airflow to the radiator by going to a low-mount fender
(up to 15 degree improvment), and by filling the gap between the radiator
and tank shroud. You can also improve cooling system performance
by switching to an automotive-style thermostat with a Thermo-Bob
housing. This housing also does a much better job of keeping the
engine properly warmed up and regulating the temperature in winter conditions.
If you're having serious cooling problems, you may want to check the water
pump impeller shaft (it's only three bolts to take off the water pump cover).
The impeller shaft can break if the nut is over-tightened, and a few people
have removed the cover to find the shaft already broken off.
What about the hoses?
If your hoses are cracked or just old, factory replacements run around
$60 for the set. However, you should be able to cut all three pieces
from a Goodyear #63936 heater hose (which has some pre-formed bends), which
is closer to $25.
Is an aftermarket radiator cap available?
49085-1066 |
RR-27 |
10227 |
T-13R |
1-227B |
31333 |
7513 |
703-4773 |
What is the KACR?
Kawasaki Automatic Compression Release. This is a spring-loaded
weight on the end of the exhaust camshaft that partially opens one of the
exhaust valves at low (<600) rpm. These are a known weak point
on KLX bikes, but there don't seem to be any/many recorded failures of
the KLR KACR. Someone estimated that the pin on the unit gets beat
8x/second in the operating RPM range, which could be pretty hard on it.
People have totally removed the mechanism with no ill effects. It
may be a residual from the kickstarter option, and not really needed with
electric start.
Where can I get a kickstarter?
While the engine case still has a kickstarter hole, '96 and later models
can not use a kickstarter because of the redesigned clutch basket.
Earlier models can be fitted, but factory kits have long since been discontinued.
Buying the parts individually is ludicrously expensive. Best to keep
an eye out for a kit on Ebay or such. It looks like the parts from
the 600 engine are the same.
Are there alternatives for the clutch?
Yes... Rekluse Motor Sports
makes a Z-Start clutch for the KLR, which is a combination centrifugal/standard
clutch. The one downside so far is that you can't push start the
bike (without opening the engine back up), but otherwise it appears to
be solid. A review is available at KLRWorld.
Why does my transmission slip out of gear?
Several possibilities that involve the shift lever (and are thankfully
easy to fix): Check to see if the shift lever is hitting the skid
plate (that you presumably just added), if it is loose on the shaft, or
if the base weld is beginning to break (on the stock unit).
Fuel / Intake | [return to top] |
Why does the bike pop on deceleration?
The bike is jetted very lean from the factory. You can enrich
the idle mixture by removing the pilot screw cap and backing the screw
out 1/2 to 3/4 turn from its factory setting. (The pilot screw is
located on the engine side of the carb, in front of the bowl, on the bottom.
It is underneath a plug, which must be drilled through to remove.)
Note that it may be illegal to tamper with carb settings in your state.
Note that this symptom can also indicate an exhaust leak, so check all
of the exhaust connections first.
How do I keep the $#%@ carb diaphragm seated while I replace the
Put a thin film of grease in the groove; this will hold the diaphragm
in place. If you manage to pinch a hole in it, see the next item.
Is there a cheaper slide/diaphragm assembly available?
Harley dealers carry a slide/diaphragm assembly, part number 27585-88,
for Kehin CVK40 carbs. List price is usually around $40. For
a temporary repair, Park Tool makes small, clear, flexible patches
for bicycle tubes that will do the job.
Is there a less-vulnerable choke lever available?
With the choke out on the handlebar, it's possible to break it when
you dump the bike. Lister Zach found a short choke cable for the
CVK40 from Harley Davidson: Part# 29229-88C, Cable, Carburetor Enrichment.
You need to come up with a mounting bracket, but you can check out an installation
in the links section. While you're down
there, be careful about breaking the plastic choke fitting on the carb.
You can get an aluminum one from Stead
Why does my gas tank whistle?
This is the tank venting system. It doesn't happen on all bikes,
and may relate to how well the vent in the cap seals to the bung in the
cap socket.
Why is my bike running poorly?
Start with these:
Should I use hi-octane fuel?
Only if your engine pings under load. High-octane gasoline does
not contain any more energy than low-octane, and is intended to reduce
the possibility of pre-ignition and detonation, which can be a problem
with high-compression engines. An engine can gain nothing from higher
octane gasoline if it is not designed to take advantage of it. That
being said, any change that increases the peak compression pressure (i.e.,
increasing the charge of air) can cause pinging, requiring higher octane
gasoline. These changes include opening up the intake path, increasing
valve size, intake cam duration, etc. However, these changes are
usually small, and can also be cured with jetting. Excessive carbon
deposits in older engines can also increase the effective compression ratio,
or provide hot spots for pre-ignition, requiring higher octane gasoline.
Can I Install a Fuel Filter?
Many people have experienced problems with fuel filters. There is not
enough height of gas in the tank to get sufficient flow in many filters
after the tank is less than half full. This causes the engine to stall
unexpectedly, often while on the highway due to the increased fuel flow
required while traveling at higher speed. Paper-type automotive filters
are very prone to this problem since they are designed to be installed
in an application with a fuel pump. Some people have had success with the
smaller brass or plastic screen filters, but since there already is a screen-type
filter in the tank, installing an additional fuel filter is not recommended.
(Thanks, Bryan K.) [I run a brass filter, and it doesn't seem to
cause any problems. However, you should make sure the fuel lines
are tight enough so they always slope downward.]
Why does my bike run for a few minutes, then stall?
Do I need that screen behind the air filter?
The purpose of this screen is unknown. It could be a backfire
arrestor, or used to smooth airflow coming from the filter. Some
people remove this to increase airflow, but no flowbench tests have been
made to see if this restriction is signifigant compared to the filter.
Several people said the screen kept clumps of dirt from falling into the
clean side of the airbox when they removed the air filter. For that
reason, it seems like a good thing to keep.
How can I open up the airbox?
For maximum flow, an L-shaped opening can be cut into the top of the
airbox, underneath the seat. If you prefer prefiltered air, 1" diameter
vents with foam inserts are available. Mount them with the vent screen
the box. You can also cut the raised sections of the airbox door,
and place foam in them. You will need to install a grate on the inside
of the door to retain the foam.
Can I rejet the carb?
Rejetting is essential if you increase flow in the intake or exhaust.
Dynojet makes a kit with an adjustable needle and several main jets.
It also includes a drill bit for removing the pilot screw cover.
A less expensive alternative is to use a KLX650R needle (N1TB #16009-1794),
spacer (92143-1667) and clip (92037-1401), which which will give you an
adjustable needle. You can then buy individual Kehin main jets to
adjust the carb. A point of note: To remove the pilot screw cap,
you must drill a hole in it. Drill very slowly, and pull back on
the drill as soon as (or even before) you break through, so you don't drive
into the screw and damage it. You can also use a left-hand drill
which will prevent you from accidentally driving the screw into its seat.
How do the Dynojet jets compare to the stock ones?
Dynojet jet numbers are not the same as Keihin numbers. The DJ136
is roughly comparable to the KH148, although may be a bit richer.
The DJ140 is richer than the KH148.
Can I get a different carb?
If you wish to switch to a slide carb, the Mikuni 38mm RS carb will
fit, as will the Keihin 39mm FCR (the 41mm will not fit). This
will give better throttle response, but will make throttle modulation more
important in low-traction situations. Also, some have had problems
with the slide carb; someone tried the Mikuni kit and generally found that
you can mimic stock fuel economy but have the engine fall flat on its face
when you open the throttle wide. Or you can go way rich, make it
run great, and eat gas fast. He dyno tested the bike and actually
found a LOSS in HP. He ended up going back to the CV carb.
(Like I said, spend your money on suspension!) For a milder stock
replacement, you can try a Mikuni VM36 carb; you may need to trim down
the intake side, and if the carb was equipped for snowmobiles, you will
need to replace the float needle and seat with a set for gravity feed.
Exhaust | [return to top] |
Why does my bike sound like an old VW?
This is affectionately known as "tweety," and can happen to bikes anytime
after a few thousand miles. It seems to appear earlier on bikes that
are ridden on a lot of short trips, thereby allowing condensation to remain
in the muffler. It also seems to be traced to clogging of the spark
arrestor system. The noise is merely an annoyance; it will not damage
your engine. Aside from replacing the exhaust system, you can try
to fix it:
Why is my exhaust running hotter?
An exhaust leak can lean out your mixture and make the exhaust hotter.
Check the header nuts for tightness, as well as the other clamps.
Also note that a loose midclamp (behind the rear brake reservoir) can vent
exhaust and melt a hole in your airbox.
What aftermarket exhausts are available?
There are several: Supertrapp, Big Gun, and Laser Pro Duro are
the most popular (others include the Two Brothers). The first two
are aluminum, USFS approved, and require repacking at some interval. The
Big Gun provides lots of power (with rejetting), but seems to need repacking
most often, and is quite loud when the packing disintegrates. The
Supertrapp comes in two flavors: the exposed disc (race series) and enclosed
disc (ISDE series). These are generally durable, and not as bad when
the packing disintegrates. The Laser is stainless steel, requires
no packing, and gives higher flow without much noise. The downsides
are the price and weight, and at this time it does not have a USFS approved
spark arrestor (it has reportedly passed, but the test, but the current
batch doesn't have the stamp). Be aware of tire interference with
any replacement exhaust; you might need to use a longer spacer on the mounting
Note also that the head pipe from the next generation KLR650 is a bolt-on replacement for the old pipe, and supposedly has smoother bends than the stock pipe. You will also need the new heat shield and fittings; the old one won't fit.
Is there a better packing material?
Stainless steel wool can be used instead of fiberglass. Make
sure it's stainless, so it won't burn. Use the finest grade you can
find. It isn't as fine (and therefore not as quiet) as fiberglass,
but it should last indefinitely.
How do I repack a Supertrapp?
In brief: If there are any dents in the case, it will be tough.
Remove the midpipe clamp, and the rivet that pins the core to the midpipe
underneath it. DO NOT use a punch and hammer on the inside forward
edges of the core to remove it. Very easy to wreck the thing. Sometimes
a "quiet" core can be punched out using a hammer and a broomstick into
the baffling. If you can't tap out the core using a piece of wood,
get an automotive dent puller, remove the discs, grind/punch a small hole
in the perforated tube in the core, and use the dent puller to remove the
core. When you reassemble the muffler, use anti-seize EVERYWHERE
that metal meets metal.
Controls/Instruments | [return to top] |
What can I do about handlebar vibration?
Various methods used to minimize handlebar vibration include filling
the bars with steel shot and/or latex caulk, using end weights, and installing
soft grips. Using a handlebar with no crossbrace can help too, but
will be more suceptible to bending if the bike is dropped.
Can I get the stock grips off in one piece?
Probably not. The original grips are the one factory-installed
part that I can guarantee will not fall off due to vibration. Many
people resort to cutting and scraping them off. See the next question
for replacements.
What replacement grips are available?
Progrip 714s are popular for vibration reduction (grips won't cure
it all, but they can help). To remove old (aftermarket) grips, you
may just be able to squirt compressed air under them and "float" them off.
To install the new grips, you can use grip glue, or just shoot some hairspray
into them and slide them on. Many grips also have circumferential
slots for tying down with safety wire.
Are vibration-resistant mirrors available?
Mirrors from the Honda XR650L have vibration dampeners. You need
to order two each of: 88210-KAE-871, mirror; 90301-KBA-900, mirror
locking nut; 88255-KAE-871, rubber mount; 90303-428-900, rubber mount nut.
There are also less expensive substitutes available from Ken Sean (folding
mirrors) and Four Strokes Only
(links) .
Can I use a different key blank for the ignition?
If you don't want to shell out the big bucks for a Kawasaki factory
key blank, here are some alternatives that should work. Of the keys
listed below, the Silca KW14 and KW14R are the only truly correct ones.
It would probably be best to take the whole list to your key shop, and
let them pick the one that will work the best. NOTE: The KLR comes
with both right- and left-hand keys (the direction of the offset in the
cross-section). So, not every blank will work.
SILCA KW14, KW14R | Curtis YM-58 (Yamaha?) | Ford 5-cut primary blank |
ILCO KA15 X106 | ILCO YH38 X77 | ILCO X120 YH46 |
Taylor X90, X91 | Curtis SU-9 (Suzuki) |
Why is there shimmy in my front wheel?
Steering shimmy can come from a variety of sources. Try different
tire pressures, and check your tire balance. Make sure there is no
twist in the forks: Support the bike on a stand, loosen the top and
bottom triple clamp bolts (don't let the fork drop out), wiggle the handlebars
to make sure the forks are free, and retighten. Make sure your headset
is tight, too. Also, the height relationship between the front and
rear suspension can affect steering stability. If the rear is made
higher (new shock, increasing preload, etc.), it may make the steering
unstable. This can be corrected by increasing preload in the fork
by adding spacer washers. Or, try to lower the fork in the triple
clamps. For extra stability, Eldon Carl has designed fork tube extensions
that allow you to lower the fork further. Note that increasing stability
reduces maneuverability, so you must arrive at a balance of the two.
What are the dimensions of the stock handlebar?
For comparison to other bars, here are approximate dimensions of the
KLR handlebar (thanks, Matt!).
Width | End Rise | Center Rise | Center Width | Pull Back |
810 mm | 75mm | 75mm | 205mm | 100mm |
What aftermarket bars are available for the KLR?
Aftermarket bars are a much better option than factory replacements.
Steel bars are available for around $20-40, and $85 will get you quality
aluminum bars. Many people like the Renthal 666 desert bend,
which is comparable to the stock bar but wider, as is the CR-Hi.
If you need something taller, ATV bars are a good way to go (i.e., Renthal
Suzuki Quadracer or Yamaha Raptor, MSR Dominator, etc.). Taller riders
may want something with less pullback than these. Note that you can
also get some adjustment by simply rotating the stock handlebars.
You can also move the bar up and back with risers [links].
Note that the stock bars have a hole drilled on the clutch side, to position
the control cluster via a pin. When switching to aftermarket bars,
it is best to just grind the pin off of the cluster, so it can rotate if
the mirror is whacked.
Why has my tachometer gone all wonky?
The tachometer is electrical, and is driven off of the ignition control
box. If it starts behaving erratically, check all electrical connections
related to the ignition. If problems persist, your ignition box is
probably going bad. Cheap, it isn't. Sorry!
Why doesn't this replacement temperature gage work?
If you happen to replace your temperature gage with a unit from a KLR
600, the gage may pin at hot shortly after starting the bike. You
can fix this by installing a 3.4 ohm resistor (Kawi p/n 28018-1052) in
line with the gage. Be sure that your bike isn't actually overheating,
of course!
Why doesn't my speedometer work?
There is a washer in the front wheel hub that connects the hub to the
speedo drive gears; it has tangs on the outside and inside. It is
possible for these to break off, rendering the drive nonfunctional.
In particular, make sure you get these lined up right with the hub when
installing the front wheel. If you tighten the axle nut and the front
wheel no longer spins freely, you may have compressed the drive tangs against
the hub.
Do any bicycle speedometers work with the KLR?
The Sigma Sport BC800, Planet Bike 9.0 and the Panoram (bicycle model)
have all been successfully used. Get one with a rear-wheel pickup;
these have longer wires that should reach the front wheel without splicing.
Wireless models won't work with interference from the ignition.
Electrical System | [return to top] |
How much power does the charging system put out?
Older models: 14V, 14A @ 8000 rpm (above redline!), newer models 14V,
17A @ 7000 rpm. We are unsure as to when this change took place,
but the only part change seems to be the rotor (new p/n 21007-1283).
You may be able to upgrade your charging system by switching to the newer
rotor, but this is unconfirmed. The normal electrical load is around
9 amps for the headlight, tail and license lights, instrument lights.
(The ignition system has its own supply coil, and does not drain the main
charging circuit.) Then are the occasional loads, like the cooling
fan, turn signals, brake light, etc. Generally, the KLR can handle
at least one "high-power" accessory, like a high-wattage headlight, heated
grips, heated vest, etc. It can handle more if you're keeping the
rpms above 2500, and not stuck in stop-and-go traffic all of the time.
The best way to tell for sure is to connect a voltmeter and keep an eye
on the voltage while you are riding, under different load conditions.
A Heatroller is a good idea, too, as you seldom need full power from any
heated item.
Can I upgrade the charging system?
Electrex makes a higher output stator (#G45, make sure you're getting
the newer, thinner one) and rectifier/regulator (#RR26). (If you
upgrade the stator, you should also upgrade the R/R.) Installation
requires cutting the wires on the stock stator, and threading the new ones
through the grommet. The output of this combo is claimed to be 280
watts, but this hasn't been confirmed.
What voltage should I see at the battery?
The no-load voltage is around 12.9 V, so anything less than that while
the engine is running means that the battery is discharging.
Why won't my bike start?
Many things can prevent your starting system from working. But,
nine times out of ten, it's just a bad battery connection. Check
the wires, make sure they are securely attached to the battery (and the
screw isn't bottoming out in the slot before it reaches full tension),
and make sure the faces of the ring terminals and battery terminals are
clean. With a loose connection, it's possible for your lights to
come on when you turn on the ignition, and dim out with no starter cranking
when you hit the start button. Basically, bad connections limit the
amount of current that the battery can supply; the starter has such a low
resistance that it will draw all of the current at the expense of other
The second culprit is a bad battery. Even a relatively new battery can be bad if it was not properly charged before use or has sat for a while without charging. Sometimes, this can appear to be a short, i.e. you turn the key on, and the headlight comes on, but everything dies when you hit the starter. The voltage may slowly creep back up after you remove the load. Auto parts stores may be able to load test your battery, and see if it will hold a charge.
Will my bike explode if I jump start it from a car?
NO! This is a myth perpetuated by people who don't understand
electricity. However, the car engine should be OFF when jumping the
bike; starting a motorcycle won't put much of a dent in a car battery.
You do need to be careful, for the following reasons:
Where can I find a wiring diagram?
There is a wiring diagram in the factory shop manual, and probably
in the Clymer manual. However, Professor Jim Hyman took the time
to develop a comprehensive, full-color wiring diagram. Mark B. highlighted
the fan circuit. Left-click to view, right click to download.
.gif | .jpg | Fan circuit | printing instructions |
Where are the fuses?
The main and headlight fuses are in a black plastic box under the seat
and over the battery. The fan fuse is next to the coolant overflow
tank, behind the shroud on the right side.
Why is my battery running out of water?
Vented batteries typically lose water over time, via electrolysis during
recharging. In hot weather, the water level will go down faster.
However, rapid water loss in a battery can also be a sign of overcharging.
Check the voltage going to the battery to make sure your system is OK.
What replacement batteries are available?
The original battery is a Yuasa YB14L-A2, and there is a Die Hard equivalent
at Sears. WalMart also has inexpensive batteries. Yuasa also
makes a fully sealed AGM battery that is an exact replacement, the YTX14AHL-BS.
This battery comes with an acid pack that the dealer or customer activates
when putting the battery in service. WestCo also makes a sealed battery,
the 12V14L-B. For extra current and reserve capacity, there is the
Odyssey PC 545 gell cell (non-MJ version). This battery must be mounted
on its side to fit in the KLR battery box, and you will have to extend
one of the power cables. The Big Crank AGM (absorbed glass mat) battery
is another possiblity, as is the WestCo.
Why does my headlight seem dim?
Some people feel that the wires connected to the headlight are too
small, and have replaced the wires with heavier ones, or connected a relay
to run the light. Also, keep an eye on corrosion in the connectors.
Check the condition of the reflector, too. On some bikes, the reflective
material has started flaking off, so no amount of fiddling with wires or
bulbs will help. The only cure for that is a new headlight assy.
Can I use a brighter headlight bulb?
KLR owners often run a higher-power bulb like an 80/100W, 55/100, etc
(stock is 55/60, type 9003 H4). Your local NAPA should have the Wagner
BP1210-H4 80/100 bulb for around $13. Some people have had problems
with the headlight socket melting; the NAPA LS6235 socket (or one from
an '84 Honda Accord) is a close replacement, and is made of heat-resistant
Bakelite. Others, however, have ran these bulbs with the stock socket
and wiring with no problems. The one thing you definitely want to
do is replace the 10A headlight fuse with a 15A one.
What size are the instrument bulbs?
Turn signal and neutral lights are #24; the hi-beam and three gage
illumination bulbs are #194. To change these, you don't have to remove
the instrument cluster; you just pull out the rubber "socket," and the
bulb will be in it.
What are the two loose wires behind the fairing?
The Brown/white (+) and black/yellow (gnd) wire pair are for the "city
light" circuit on European models. These wires come on with the ignition,
and can be used for an accessory. The city light only draws 4 W,
but people have used these wires for heated grips with no problems,
and those draw nearly 48 W.
Why aren't my aftermarket turn signals flashing?
The stock flasher needs a certain load to activate. The bulbs
on some aftermarket turn signals don't draw enough power to trip the flasher.
You can correct this by going to a variable-wattage flasher, such as the
Tridon EL12.
Are there brighter taillight bulbs?
The 1157 bulb in the taillight socket can be replaced with a 2357.
The tail light is the same, but the brake light is 25% brighter with only
a 2W power increase. The downside is that the brake light filiment
of the 2357 has a life rating of only 400 hours, while that of the 1157
is 1,200 hours. Both bulbs have a tail light rating of 5,000 hours.
There is also a halogen version, the H1157, but this can melt the taillight
housing if the brakes are on for a long time (i.e., stop/go traffic).
An excellent alternative is the LED board sold by Dual Star (made by someone
else). This is a circuit board that fills much of the lens with LEDs,
and has the option to flash the light a few times when the brakes are applied.
This is a much better alternative to the little LED bulbs that attempt
to directly replace the 1157; these aren't usually too bright.
How do I test my CDI unit?
Despite the extensive resistance table given in the manual, the best
way to test a CDI unit is to swap it with a known good one. Replacements
are expensive, but a cheaper,
programmable unit is supposedly available.
Can I replace the glass fuses with modern, ATO blade-types?
There are three options:
Body | [return to top] |
Is there a paint that matches the silver on the frame?
Dupli-Color #WP101 Silver high-performance wheel paint (formerly known
as Steel ) is a good match, although it may be a bit more glittery than
the stock paint. KRYLON #1402 Hi-Temp Aluminum also matches, if you
want to paint your exhaust or heat shield.
How can I paint my plastic?
Krylon Fusion sticks direclty to plastic, but it is very sensitive
to solvents (and gasoline) even after drying for a month or more.
It does much better if you topcoat it with urethane clear coat with flex
agent. The best bet may still be plasticizer additives to regular
paint, and an adhesion promoter such as Bulldog # ETPO-123. This
has proven to give good results. For black, bumper/trim paint may
also work.
Where can I get matching paint?
Color rite has it, just follow
the steps. Since the tank is the only thing painted, that's the color
you'll find. The plastics may or may not match the tank, depending
on the year of your bike.
How do I restore faded plastic?
There are several options. You can heat it (carefully!) with
a heat gun. This is especially good for removing white spots from
bends or kinks. A hair dryer can also work, and is good on older
plastics that need more heating, as the hair dryer is less likely to overheat
the plastic. For chemicals, you can try NU-KOTE by Chemsearch, acrylic
floor wax, lemon Pledge, DOT 5 (not 5.1!) silicon brake fluid, or S100
Engine Brite. For a mechanical solution, you can rub it down
with 000 or 0000 steel wool, and follow with a wool buffing wheel (dry),
or use rubbing compounds. Rubbing can be followed with 3M's Imperial Handglaze.
Can I repair my plastics?
The KLR bodywork is made out of polypropylene (a.k.a. Tupperware) for
durability. PP used to be impossible to bond, but as it is being
more widely used in the automotive industry, adhesives were developed.
One of the best is 3M Scotch-Weld Plastic Adhesive DP8005. (Thanks,
Can I get aftermarket plastics?
Companies don't make aftermarket parts for the KLR like they do for
dirt bikes. Acerbis front fenders for 1999-2002 KTMs will fit if
you enlarge the holes laterally with a file. You will also want to
add fender washers to the mounting bolts, as the holes are large to begin
with and the stock washers will have minimal contact with the plastic.
Acerbis part numbers for the KTM fenders are 15830805, Black; 15830884,
KTM Orange; 15830881, Silver. Price is roughly $23. There are
also aftermarket mini-fairings with built-in headlights that can be swapped
for the stock fairing.
Can I convert my A-model to a Tengai?
You can make it "Tengai-ish." Replico [links]
makes aftermarket fairings for about $450 US shipped from Australia; you
will need to weld two mounting tabs to the top of the fuel tank and repaint
How do I get the seat off?
Remove the two side covers, and you will see the two bolts that hold
the seat down. After removing the bolts, pull the rear of the seat
up, and then pull the seat to the rear to unhook it from the tank.
If you don't want to have to pull the side covers off every time, you can
cut holes in the side covers over the bolts to get at them directly.
Where can I get another fuel tank?
IMS makes a couple of different plastic replacement tanks for the KLR:
the 5.5 gallon, and the 6.6 gallon "military tank" (part #113121, used
on the USMC diesel KLR) which has the shrouds molded in. Some people
refer to this as a 7-gallon tank, but the volume range is due to production
variances. IMS may not list this tank on their web site, but they
will make it on special order. You can specify any color they use.
Black (B1) is supposedly best for sweat resistance (the fuel's, not yours);
there is also green (G2), translucent green (G3), white (W1) and natural
(N1). They also may have a coating that prevents fuel sweating.
Here's the kicker (thanks to Walt Lesnowich): When you get a military tank,
you are actually getting the commercial version of the military tank.
The bonafide military tank has a different gas cap with a check valve in
the vent to prevent leaks. The commercial version has a rubber baffle.
The cap sizes are different, and not interchangeable between the two tanks.
It appears that Dual Star is the only dealer that can provide the true
military fuel tank.
What is this rubber "hockey puck" I just found on the ground?
The front of the fuel tank is supported by two rubber bushings that
sit on posts on the frame. It is possible for these to fall off while
you are sliding the tank in place. Attaching them with a drop of
E6000 or Shoe Goo will keep them from falling off next time.
Does anyone make a cover for the KLR?
Any larger cover should work. Tour King makes a cover for the
KLR, but I'm not sure if it's specifically for the KLR or just a model
that fits. WalMart has the "Wolf" cover for just $20, and again,
large seems to fit best. (XL might be preferred for very long-term
storage, though.)
What if I want to install smaller turn signals?
The minimum legal distance between turn signals is 16 inches in the
front, and 9 inches in the rear. Minimum edge to edge separation
from centerline of headlight and taillight is 4 inches. The federal
regulation is listed in 49 CFR 571.108.
Brakes | [return to top] |
What kind of brake pads should I use?
One of the Galfer staff is a KLR owner, and recommends the following
Galfer pads: 50/50 on/offroad: Galfer green front, part FD091G1532; FD075
sintered rear. More street: Galfer blue front, FD091G1434; rear blue
FD0751434 or black FD0751052. EBC sintered pads may work a little
better than stock, but can develop an occasional squeal. If you're
looking for something cheaper, I've had very good luck with Parts Unlimited
TufStop pads (TSRP-802 front, TSRP-786, rear). They're an organic
pad that is very kind to rotors, and grab much better than sintered pads.
They only last about 4-5,000 miles, but at $23/pair, that's a pretty good
deal. Dunlopad HH pads are available, on the pricey end; SDP313MX
for the front and SDP310MX for the rear.
How can I get more braking power?
If you find the stock brakes aren't enough for you, there are a few
options. First, try some different pads, as listed above. Second,
replace the stock front brake line with a braided stainless steel unit.
Galfer and Russel make lines for the KLR (Galfer front is p/n FK003D102).
(You can also get a braided line for the rear, but the stock system is
adequate.) This will give you noticeably better lever feel.
Finally, EBC, CycleBrakes and MAP make a larger front rotor with
a relocating bracket for the caliper. This is the most expensive
but most effective option. The CycleBrakes kit has a 320 mm rotor,
whereas the stock diameter is 260 mm. An oversize Wave rotor is also
Do I have to pay $200 for a Kawi brake rotor?
EBC and Braking make aftermarket brake rotors for $90-120.
Final Drive | [return to top] |
How can I change the sprocket ratio?
The stock final drive ratio is 15/43. The easiest way to change
the ratio is by replacing the countershaft (front) sprocket. A 14T
is great for tight off-roading, and a 16T for a lot of highway riding.
You can even make it through some hairy stuff with the 16T, if you're good
with the clutch. For general use, though, the 15T is a good compromise.
There is also a 13T available, although chain wear tends to increase as
you decrease the sprocket size. 16T is the largest that will fit.
If you have the engine open and can get the parts, the 1st gear set (input
shaft, 1st gear output shaft) from a KLR600 can be installed, giving you
a lower first gear, but keeping the upper gears intact. Note that
changing the countershaft sprocket, rather than the rear, will allow you
to use the stock chain length. For a writeup, see here.
Are aftermarket rear sprockets available?
Yes, but the factory Kawasaki part seems to be the most durable by
far. The price is also reasonable.
How do I mount the countershaft sprocket?
On '96+ bikes, the flat side of the OEM sprocket goes in, towards the
engine. On earlier bikes, the side with the flat surface for the
retainer goes out. With aftermarket sprockets, the numbers are usually
mounted outside, but people have done it the other way.
Are countershaft sprockets interchangeable?
Here's the skinny:
Why is oil dripping from the countershaft sprocket cover?
This can go two ways: If you're lucky, it's just chain lube that got
flung off onto the cover and is dripping out. If you're not lucky,
you got an overtightened chain, and the countershaft seal is shot.
This seal is under pressure, so you can lose oil quickly if it goes.
It's not too hard to replace, if you want to do it yourself. You
can either drive a sheet metal screw into either side of the seal and pull
it out, or remove the sprocket, start the engine and put it in gear.
The oil pressure will drive out the seal, so be ready! There is an
O-ring behind the seal, but don't pull it off unless you have a new one.
When driving on the new seal, be aware that the case does NOT have a shoulder.
Don't overdrive the seal; stop when it becomes flush with the case.
What kind of chain can I use?
Any quality, O-ring or X-ring chain should be fine, for example the
DID 520 VM gold. The manual states that the chain must be an endless
type; however, most people run a clip-type master with no problems.
The size is 520 x 106 links. Incidentally, the BMW F650 FAQ chain
page is an excellent resouce.
How do I install the master link?
For a riveted master, you will need a rivet tool, which runs around
$100. For a clip-on link, you should use a side plate press (around
$30) to seat the side plate. The side plate on a clip-on master link
is designed to be a press-fit, and should only be used once. It should
only be pressed far enough to get the clip on, and then should be backed
out against the clip. An alternative to the press is to alternate
pins with a small C-clamp and washers to allow the pin to come through.
How long will my chain last?
With regular maintenance, you can get as much as 20,000 miles out of
a chain.
What should I use to lube my chain?
Many people use fancy aftermarket lubes; if you do, make sure it's
safe for O-ring chains. WD-40 has also been used to great success,
and it cleans the chain while it lubes it. Finally, the manual recommends
90W gear oil, which is cheap and also works well, although it will fling
a lot of dirt on the bike.
What is the proper chain slack?
There should be 2" of play (pushing up and down) center-to-center,
midway between the sprockets. The ultimate test is to compress the
rear suspension as much as possible (ideally, engine output shaft, swingarm
pivot and rear axle in a straight line), and see if the chain gets too
tight. You can use tiedown straps to pull down the rear, or use your
weight. This can be done by folding yourself over the seat from the
right side, placing a wrench on the rear axle nut, and then pulling up
on the wrench with your left hand (like you're trying to tighten the nut).
This should give you good compression. Check the chain for slack
with your right hand.
Is there a better chain guide available?
Fredette part no 01-013 (88-93 KX's 91 93 KDX 250's 89-93 RM's &
RMX's) can be fitted, although you will get a stronger mount if you can
make an adapter block and put a second hole in the swingarm. It also
seems to benefit from a 1/16" spacer alongside the upper nylon block.
The chain guide also goes under White Bros part # 45-013.
Where did my chain adjuster/swingarm cap go?
If you don't thoroughly counter-tighten the nuts on the swingarm caps,
they can work themselves off, and you will lose the cap. If the axle
is tight, this is not an immediate problem, and can be temporarily fixed
with fender washers. To avoid this problem, repace both nuts with
a single M8 nylon insert locknut. Note that these are generally 13mm
hex, which is not included in the stock tool kit; you'll have to pack something.
How do I replace the countershaft sprocket?
Wheels/Tires | [return to top] |
What tires should I use?
The table below lists popular tires for the KLR. The street/dirt
split is only approximated. By popular request, I am including a
few street-only tires. I do so reluctantly, because using a KLR as
a street-only bike is sacreligious unless you supermotard it.
The standard KLR sizes are 90/90-21 front and 130/80-17 rear. Use
of other sizes may cause interference, so be careful. Price
ratings: $, <$50; $$, $50-100; $$$, $100+.
Street-only | Kenda | Challenger K657 F | 90/100H-21 | $ |
Challenger K657 R | 130/90H-17 | $ | ||
Street-oriented | Avon | Distanzia AM43 F (MB) | 90/90T-21 | $$ |
Distanzia AM44 R | 130/80T-17 | $$$ | ||
Avon | Gripster | |||
Kenda | K761 | |||
Dunlop | D607 F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
D607 R | 130/80R-17 | $$ | ||
Metzler | Tourance F | 90/90H-21 | $$$ | |
Tourance R | 130/80S-17 | $$$ | ||
Michelin | T66 F | 90/90H-21 | $$$ | |
T66 R | 130/80-R-17 | $$$ | ||
Michelin | Anakee F | |||
Anakee R | ||||
Pirelli | Scorpion MT90 F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
Scorpion MT 90 R | 130/80HR-17 | $$$ | ||
Kings | KT-966 F | $ | ||
KT-966 R | $ | |||
50/50 | Kenda | K270 F | 3.25x21 | $ |
K270 R | 5.10x17 | $ | ||
Maxxis | C-6006 F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
C-6006 R | 130/80-17 | $$ | ||
Continental | TKC80 F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
TKC80 R | 130/80-17 | $$ | ||
Bridgestone | Trailwing 41 F | 90/90S-21 | $$ | |
Trailwing 42 R | 120/90S-17 | $$ | ||
Bridgestone | Trailwing 21 F | 90/90S-21 | $$ | |
Trailwing 22 R | 130/80S-17 | $$ | ||
IRC | GP110 F (MB) | 3.00Sx21 | $ | |
GP110 R | 5.10Sx17 | $$ | ||
Metzler | Sahara 3 F | 90/90T-21 | $$$ | |
Sahara # R | 130/80T-17 | $$$ | ||
MEFO | MFE Sport Explorer F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
MFE Sport Explorer R | 130/80-17 | $$ | ||
Dirt-oriented | Metzler | MCE Karoo F | 90/90R-21 | $$ |
MCE Karoo R | 130/80R-17 | $$ | ||
Dunlop | D606 F | 90/90-21 | $$ | |
D606 R | 130/90-17 | $$ | ||
Pirelli | MT21 F | 90/90R-21 | $$ | |
MT21 R | 130/90R-17 | $$ | ||
Non-DOT | Bridgestone | |||
M22 R | 5.10x17 | $$ |
NOTES: MB=Mount Backwards
Tire comments:
For a comprehensive website on tire choices, see Mike Silverstein's
How do I keep my new tire from rubbing on the chain guard?
The chain guard is only held on by a stamped sheet metal bracket.
Just bend it out of the way.
Do people use the Harbor Freight tire changer?
The HF tire changer does work, although some people have trouble with
the included tire iron. One option is to purchase the tire iron for
a Coates 220 tire changer. Costs more than the whole HF changer,
but has plastic-tipped ends, and works much better. Also note that
the rim grips on the HF unit are too narrow for modern sportbike rims,
if you're planning on using it for other bikes.
Do I need rim locks?
For serious offroading, rim locks can be used to keep the tire from
rotating on the rim (and thus removing the valve stem). This is generally
only required at tire pressures under 20 psi, and some have ridden pressures
as low as 14 psi without locks. Also, the rear is more suceptible
to tire rotation than the front. A big plus is that if you run tires
with stiff sidewalls, double locks will generally allow you to ride out
on a flat. This is especially handy on a tight trail. Ideally,
double rimlocks would be mounted 180 degrees apart to balance each other,
but some people have had too much difficulty changing the rear tire with
this configuration. In that case, the locks can be moved to 120 degrees
apart, but balance weight will be needed. Another option is to drill
the rim for sheet metal screws, but you may run the risk of shearing off
a screw head in rocks, and then you could be, um, screwed.
How do I keep water out of my wheels?
You can try Honda tire valve stem seals, #42714-KA3-710. You'll
have to bore the valve stem hole out to 12mm. These also allow the
valve stem to flex and show if the tire has rotated on the rim. Not
sure if they'll work with rimlock bolts, or if you'd even want to use them
in that application.
What are the correct tube sizes?
The standard tube sizes are 2.75/3.00-21 in the front, and 4.00/5.10-17
in the rear. Ultra-heavy-duty tubes are available for both the front
and rear. (The Dual Star rear tube is an 18", but this works fine.)
Arrowhead Motorsports carries a true 17", 4mm tube for the rear.
Do I need to carry two spare tubes?
For lightweight packing, a front tube will work in the rear tire for
limited distances. You should inflate it to the maximum tire pressure,
and change it once you get out of the boonies. You should be able
to get 100 miles out of it. If you're going on a longer trip/adventure
tour, you may want to carry both sizes to save yourself the trouble
of changing the tube twice.
How do aftermarket rims compare?
Rims by makers like Sun and Excel are much stronger than the stock
rims. You can order them and lace them yourself, or have a place
like Buchanan [links] build one with your hub.
According to the folks there, Excel rims are harder to bend or ding, but
are more likely to crack; Sun rims are easier to bend but also easier to
What size are the axle nut cotter pins?
The stock size is 4.0x35 mm, but you should be able to use 1/8
or 5/32x2" pins. If you want something reuseable, you can go with
an R-pin (a.k.a. hairclip cotter).
Why can't I tighten my rear axle completely?
See "Rear hub bearing spacer" in the Known Issues
Can I use aftermarket wheel bearings?
The stock bearings are unsealed; when they need to be replaced, it
is best to do so with fully sealed bearings. These can usually be
found at local bearing shops, and are less expensive than the factory bearings.
Chinese bearings are generally of lower quality. Ask them for the
quality bearings, such as Fafnir, Torrington or Ingersoll-Rand. SKF
bearings are less expensive, and are reportedly strong as well. For
SKF bearings, the suffix -2RS indicates double rubber shields (the ones
you want) and -ZZ are metal shielded. The bearings are pressed, so
freezing them will make them easier to install. Also remember to
remove the retaining rings before taking the old ones out.
Do I need to replace the cotter pin when I remove an axle?
Cotter pins should only be used once. As an alternative, you
can use a hairpin cotter (also known as an R-pin), which clips in and out,
and can be reused. Dual Star also carries self-locking, Fuji-Lock™
reusable flange-nuts for both axles. If using these, however, you
will need to carry two axle wrenches, as you need to wrench the nut off
the entire way. With the standard nut, you only need one wrench to
loosen it, and you can spin it off the rest of the way by hand.
What size are the axle nuts?
Front: Nut, 22 mm; axle head, 17 mm. Rear: Nut,
24 mm; axle head, 19 mm.
What size are the spoke nipples?
Suspension | [return to top] |
How do I reduce brake dive?
How do I keep the front end from bottoming?
You can increase fork preload by replacing the stock spring spacers
with longer ones; the stock ones are 1.12" in diameter by 5.5" long.
3/4" PVC pipe works, as will other pipe/tube materials. Use a pipe
cutter so you get a square cut. Replacing the fork springs with Progressive
Suspension Larry Roessler series units (part number 11-1151) gives a much
nicer front end. The springs are longer than stock (and the spacers
are cut to 2"), so the initial travel is more plush. They are progressively
wound, so they get stiffer as they are compressed. Note that Progressive
also makes a standard (non-LR, p/n -1128) replacement; while these are
still an improvement over stock, the LR units are much better. Also, consider
changing the fork oil. The standard oil is 20W-10, but most aftermarket
oil is single weight only. 20W is too stiff for most people, but
15W and 10W are good. The next step up are Race Tech Cartridge Emulators,
which give you adjustable damping (requires pulling the fork springs to
change it). The emulators can be installed without separating the
forks by unbolting the damper rod bolt and sliding the damper out of the
tubes. Hard-anodizing the fork lowers will also improve performance.
How do I adjust the rebound damping on the rear shock?
There is a little crescent-shaped black plastic cover over the rebound
adjuster at the bottom right side of the rear shock. You have to pull that
off to see the adjust thumbwheel. It's p/n 11012 CAP, SHOCK ABSORBER in
the Kawasaki parts diagrams. It's not really obvious when you first
look for it. Note that it only should be turned in one direction.
How much air pressure should I use in the forks?
The forks will allow some amount of preload air pressure, but are designed
for atmospheric, and this is best because it minimizes loads on the seals.
In fact, you might get a plusher ride if you sit on the bike, and then
vent the forks through the valves. If you need preload in the front,
it is best to put additional spacers over the springs.
Can I get inverted forks?
Sagebrush Machine makes adapters that will allow you to fit the inverted
forks from a KLX 650 onto the KLR. Also see the maintenance procedures
in the links section for websites detailing
fork swaps. You can also use DRZ and KLX250 or KLX300 forks (for
the KLX, you want the 43mm inverts).
Are cheaper fork boots available?
Daystar model 58 boots are made of a more resilient rubber material,
and cost about one fourth what the stock units do.
Are fork braces useful?
On the street, riders have found a great improvement in handling by
adding a fork brace. The bike tracks much better through turns. Off road,
feelings are mixed. While it does seem to keep the front end from wallowing
so much in sand, and prevent it from picking up other lines, it also causes
every bump to be transmitted to the handlebars, rather than be absorbed
by fork flex. Fork braces are available from Happy Trails, Arrowhead,
Dual Star, Kytech, Scott Summers and others.
How can I beef up the rear suspension?
If you weigh over 150 lbs, you could benefit from a rear suspension
upgrade. For reference, the stock spring is 10" long and 300 lbs/inch.
Replacement manufacturers are:
What are the stats on the stock spring?
The stock spring is about 56mm/2.2" ID, 254mm/10" long, and the spring
rate has been measured at 5.3 kg/300 lb. NOTE: Although the stock
spring is 10" long, the shock appears to be built for a 9" spring.
That is, installing the stock 10" spring puts an inch of preload on it,
which is quite a bit. The consensus is that you are better off with
a stiffer, shorter spring. A rate of 450 lbs/inch seems to be ballpark
for riders of 180-200 lbs, and 500 or 550 for heavier riders.
However, you might want to consult a suspension specialist (or the list)
for suggestions on your specific weight and riding style. The proper
diameter is 2.25".
Where can I get a shortened shock to lower the rear?
The Hagons will custom-make seat lowering monoshocks for around $400.
Their US importer is Dave Quinn Motorcycles of Bethany, CT; 203.393.2651.
See the links section for their link. Also,
Progressive makes an off-the-shelf shock that will lower seat height about
How can I keep dirt off of the rear shock?
Moose Utility Division makes "shock sock" type of cover for ATV shocks;
part number MUD-S38 fits the KLR. There is also a product called
Shockwears available from Arrowhead Motor Sports.
How much preload should I set on the rear?
The rear suspension should compress about 3" from the combined weight
of you and the bike. First, tilt the bike onto the side stand to
top out the rear suspension, and have someone measure the distance from
the rear axle to some point directly above it. Then, get on the bike,
balance it upright, and only put one foot lightly on the floor to keep
it balanced. Have your friend measure the distance again, and the
difference between the two measurements is the sag. Adjust the preload
as required to get 3" of sag. Note: When riding on your typical
terrain, if you don't bottom the suspension out once and a while, you probably
have it set too stiff.
Does the rear shock need any maintenance?
The preload adjuster gears are small and fairly fragile. If you're
frequently adjusting your preload, you should clean and lubricate the gears.
Insert the spray tube from a can of WD-40 into the small holes around the
top of the shock to flush and lube the gear mechanism.
What bearings are used for the rear suspension?
The rear suspension rquires the following Koyo bearings or equivalent:
Maintenance | [return to top] |
If I do my own maintenance, will I violate the warranty?
Thanks to the Magnuson-Moss Act, you will not violate your warranty
if you do your own maintenance. However, you should maintain solid
documentation. See the links section for
info on the act.
What tools should I take for roadside repairs?
You'll have to decide what makes you comfortable, but a great starting
place is the KLR
Tool Wiki, or look at the tools
What kind of motorcycle stand will work with the KLR?
The Larin lift available from Costco and Sam's Club works fine with
the KLR.
Is a service manual available for the KLR?
There is a factory service manual available from dealers. You
need the "base manual," for the KLR600, and the KLR650 supplement for your
bike's year. Clymer now has a manual as well, and it's reported to
be very good. (Item ID: M474; ISBN: 0-89287-852-5.)
Do I need to keep this tube in the oil filter?
The metal tube in the center of the oil filter is a high-pressure bypass
for cold oil. If you remove it, your oil will not get filtered.
Occasionally, mechanics accidentally discard this tube with the filter.
Make sure you have one. If you're changing your own oil, the tube
only fits in the engine case one way.
What if I break/strip out my footpeg bolts?
Some of the more aggressive riders have managed to break or pull out
their footpeg bolts. The simplest solution seems to be to convert
the footpegs to M10 bolts; drill out the footpeg bracket, and drill and
tap the mount. (The tap drill for M10x1.5 is 8.4mm or Q.)
Do I need to have the valves checked at 500 miles?
Yes, althought many dealers say otherwise. Some bikes, in fact,
don't need adjusting after 500 miles. But some do, so the clearances
must be checked. Checking the clearances is much simpler than actually
adjusting them, so you may be able to check them, and then have the dealer
change the shims. At the least, insist that the dealer give you a
written record of the measured clearances. After the first few valve
checks (i.e., around 9,000 miles), you can probably set the valves at the
maximum clearance and not check them for another 10,000 miles. This
will make the engine noisy, but is acceptable ("Slappy valves are happy
valves," according to RM). Dealers often adjust to the middle of
the range to minimize engine noise. Note also that hard starting
and stalling when hot are symptoms of tight valves, if you think you're
How do I lubricate the swingarm linkage?
Jack up the bike so it is fully supported, and the rear wheel is just
touching the ground. Remove all of the linkage bolts. Note
that, to remove the main swingarm pivot, you must also remove the engine
mount bolt above the pivot. You will need a big breaker bar, liquid
wrench, and possibly a propane torch to loosen the bolts. The bolts
may also be stuck in the pivots due to corrosion. You may have to
tap them out with a hammer and drift pin. Pack the bearings with
grease, and reassemble. Before reinstalling the bolts, coat them
with grease to prevent corrosion. You can avoid this mess in the
future if you install zerk fittings for a grease gun; Watt-Man
has the procedure on his site.
What replacement spark plugs can I use?
Standard spark plug replacements are either the NGK DPR8EA-9
or ND (NipponDenso) X24EPR-U9. For Iridium, there is the NGK DPR8EIX-9.
You can also use a Champion 809(RA6HC), which is available with a
5/8" hex so you can use commonly available spark plug sockets.
The Autolite 4163 and MP4163 (premium) are also choices. Gap is 0.032-0.036"
(0.8-0.9 mm), torque to 10 ft-lbs (14 N-m).
How do I adjust the valves?
Valves are shim-over-bucket type, meaning you have to use different
thickness shims to obtain the desired clearance. Proper clearances
are 0.10-0.20 mm intake, 0.15-0.25 mm exhaust. A video describing
the valve adjustment process is available from Arrowhead Motorsports.
See also the links section for on-line tutorials
and shim calculation software.
What is the fastening torque for the XXXX bolt?
Here are the most popular torque values. All numbers are ft-lbs
unless indicated. Note that torque values should be hit while the
bolt is turning, to avoid static friction discrepancies.
Engine mount bolts, 8mm | 18.0 | Front axle | 58 |
Engine mount bolts, 10mm | 33 | Rear axle | 69 |
All swingarm linkage, lower shock | 72 | Engine sprocket, old style | 87 in-lb |
Rear shock, upper | 43 | Engine sprocket, new style | 70 |
Triple clamp bolts | 18 | Rear sprocket nuts | 24 |
Handlebar clamp | 17.5 | Rear subframe | 18.0 |
Spark plug | 10.0 | Magneto | 130 |
Why do I get such a low reading when I try to do a compression test?
The KLR has the Kawasaki Automatic Compression Release (KACR).
At low rpms (<600), this device keeps one of the exhaust valves cracked
open for easier starting. This will prevent you from reading the
full compression in the cylinder.
How do I get the fork seals out?
You can remove the fork seals without disassembling the forks by removing
the retaining clip, and then pressurizing the fork tube with compressed
air. Drain the oil first. It may take a bit of pressure (especially
with OEM-type seals), but it should work.
How do I get the forks apart?
The socket head screw in the bottom of the forks must be removed to
get the forks apart. If you have an impact wrench, that will usually
take it out. If you are using a hex key, the inner assembly will
usually rotate and prevent you from getting the screw out. There
is a special tool to hold the inner assembly, but you can make your own:
Cut a piece of 5/8" threaded rod 17.5" long. Affix nuts flush on
both ends, either by welding or by putting two nuts on and jamming them
together. Insert this into the fork tube, and it will engage the
inner assembly. Use a wrench to hold the upper end. Or, instead
of putting a nut on the upper end, weld a T-handle on.
Which tool to I use to remove the magneto?
The magneto puller listed by Motion Pro is NOT the correct one
for the KLR (although they are beginning to rectify this). The proper
unit is M22x1.5. K&N also makes an M22x1.5 magneto puller (p/n
82-0170), but does not list it for the KLR. When using the magneto
puller, put anti-seize compound on the threads and nose, and tap it with
a mallet as you tighten it.
How do I keep track of my meticulous maintenance?
Why, you can download these handy service logs. Print them out,
fill them in and stick 'em in a binder. There are .pdf versions for
general use, and an Excel file containing the original version of the files
in case you'd like to customize them.
Master File | Service Log | Valve Check, 1-cyl | Valve Check, 4-cyl |
Off-Road Gear | [return to top] |
Where can I get better footpegs?
The stock KLR pegs are good for the road, but get very slippery offroad
when wet or muddy. There are a few options for replacements:
Where do I get a better skid plate?
Utah Sport Motorcycle makes the most popular skidplate for the KLR.
In addition to selling direct, their skidplates are sold by Moose, MSR
and Happy Trails. (White Brothers has theirs made elsewhere.)
The problem is that USM now trims their plates for use with centerstands;
this leaves the rear of the engine case unprotected. Happy Trails
can weld an extension back on, as well as add a second plate to the bottom
for real abuse. Dual Star also makes a skidplate, but it doesn't
come up as high in the front. As a result, you may need to add one
of their water pump guards. The Utah plate covers the whole water
Can I protect the oil drain plug?
The drain plug sticks out past many skid plates. Dual Star makes
a low-profile version, and you can buy a Moose magnetic plug and trim off
some of the hex. There is also the Greenline
How can I protect the radiator?
If you drop the bike on the left side, the only thing supporting the
tank shroud is the radiator. This can damage the radiator, as well
as the cooling fan. Guards are available that mount under the tank
shroud and protect the radiator. Two different units are made by
Happy Trails and Dual Star, respectively.
Can I replace the stock handguards with something better?
Aluminum handguards are a great improvement. Maier Woods Pro
Deluxe (p/n 59525; if you have "fat" bars, you will need p/n 595340 as
well) will fit without cutting down the ends of the clutch/brake levers.
The plastic wind deflectors must be ordered separately (black: p/n 595340;
other colors available). Another option is the Acerbis Rally Pro,
although they are a bit lighter and may need to be bent back after a crash.
(Avoid the Rally guards with integral turn signals; they don't have a metal
reinforcement, and can bend enough to break levers.) Other options
are Moose, Enduro Engineering and Tusk guards. Tusks are very inexpensive,
and available from Rocky Mountain ATV [links].
Are there better tools I can carrry?
The stock tool kit is OK, but you might be better off putting your
own together. Dual Star makes nice, laser-cut wrenches that will
work the axles and other bolts. Also, the single 17x24 mm or 22x24mm
Fredette wrench (by Moose) will work both axles, if you have non-locking
nuts on them. Scotts and Dual Star also carry general tool kits with
small ratchets and sockets, screwdriver bits, etc.
Where do I get one of those front disc protectors?
Acerbis used to make front disc and fork lower protectors for the KLR650,
but unfortunately, they've been discontinued. You can get protectors
for the KLR600 and the DR350 (Acerbis part number 51-98) to fit with some
patient trimming.
How can I protect the rear brake disc?
Big Cee Engineering makes a "sharkfin" for the KLR650. Other
companies make universal-fit models.
Highway Gear | [return to top] |
Replacement saddles
There are several aftermarket saddles available to comfort your butt
on a long ride. The material is often firmer, and the geometry/ergonomics
are different. Some seats are wider, making them more comfortable
for long days on the road. Note that this may reduce your mobility
How do I reduce buffeting?
People find that the stock windshield is just the right height to dump
turbulent airflow on their heads at highway speeds. The quickest
fix is to remove the stock windshield alltogether, and see how that feels.
Taller windshields are also available; a factory unit from Kawasaki, and
aftermarket units from Clearview and Rifle. You may have to experiment
with windshields depending on your height, so it is best if you can try
a friend's before you buy one yourself.
How do I keep from getting blown around on the highway?
People have had good results with removing the stock front fender and
mounting a UFO aftermarket fender right over the wheel (as on street bikes).
The smaller fender, blending in with the front wheel, reduces the wind's
ability to tweak the front end. Also, check to make sure that your
steering bearings and fork tubes are properly set. If you have sloppy
forks, a fork brace may help.
How hard is it to mount a low front fender?
No fender is made specifically for the purpose, so it will take some
tweaking. If you're going the supermotard route, a KTM supermoto
fender will bolt to a K-9 fork brace over an 18" wheel with no modifications.
(The stock wheel is 21".) A 19" wheel requires longer spacers on
the fork brace.
How do I reduce high-speed wobble?
There are several things you can try:
Why did my right saddlebag catch on fire?
Heavy items should be placed in the left saddlebag, especially if using
lighter side racks. The right saddlebag sits over the exhaust pipe,
and too much weight can push the side cover into the exhaust, making for
a messy situation.
What tailbags are available for the KLR?
The Kawasaki factory tailbag and the Rev-Pack are both highly regarded.
Wolfman also makes the Alpha Pack, which also features strong construction.
Has anyone tried the J. C. Whitney travel trunk?
Yes, and it reportedly works very well.
What kind of tank bags are available for the KLR?
The Kawi factory tankbag is custom-fit for the fuel tank, and does
not cover the gas cap. Unfortunately, the map sits somewhat low,
and the bag slouches into the sensitive zone if not packed full.
Also, when people tug on the map window to look at the map, the vinyl can
tear at the stitches. This can be fixed with Shoe Goo or E6000.
Wolfman also makes a tank bag called the Explorer, with a large capacity
and a sloping bottom to help it match the KLR's tank. This bag must
be moved to access the gas cap, but apparently it is easy with practice,
and the bag is quite popular.
How do I read my map in the dark?
makes illumination panels, and you can also try the Lightwedge, which is
available at many bookstores.
What tank panniers are available for the KLR?
Aerostitch makes two sizes of tank panniers. Your legroom will
determine which is best. To mount them, the cross-straps must be
cris-crossed over the main frame spine (in front of the tank). Wolfman
and Dual Star also make tank panniers.
Can the tail rack be improved?
Aluminum plates that mount over the tail rack and increase its surface
area are available. These include the Top of the Line Rack, and a
rack plate from Dual Star.
Are there any locks other than Kryptonite?
Abus locks are available from Lockitt.
Can I get a center stand?
Center stands are made by Mo-Tec, Dual Star and Five Stars. You
can also order them from Arrowhead.
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